New Moon in Scorpio + Tarot Spread
We have a very powerful New Moon in Scorpio coming up on October 30th. The theme of this New Moon is centered around facing your shadow self and coming to terms with things that you might now particularly like about yourself. Its a time to transform and transcend through our thinking processes to work more out of love than fear. Self love and compassion are at the center of this New Moon encouraging us to step out of old habits and into our highest vibration. Through facing and processing our shadow selves we will find true empowerment.
This is a lonely vibration because the only person who can work on bettering yourself is you. Take a hard look at your relationships and dependencies on other people, have you been putting some or all of your development on someone else instead of taking personal responsibility? Have you been running from confrontation or avoiding the depths of your feelings in favor of pretending everything is okay? This New Moon in Scorpio will tear away anything or anyone you have been hiding behind. This is a time for razing what is no longer serving you to the ground so you can rebuild something bigger, brighter and more in line with your true path.
While meditating on this New Moon in Scorpio it may be helpful to answer some of these questions:
What or Who out in the world really bothers me?
What aspect of this is a reflection of myself that I don't like?
What am I projecting out into the world at this time?
What aspects of my shadow self do I bring up as a joke, when I'm not really joking?
What areas of my life do I try too hard to control?
What toxicity do I need to remove from my life at this time?
Which attachments in my life are no longer healthy?
What am I letting go of at this time?
Where can I recover my inner strength from?
Remember through all this struggle and darkness you are the light. You are the enactor of change. This is happening because you are meant to ascend your current vibration and move on to the next one. Do not fear change. Do not fear death. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.
Here is you New Moon in Scorpio Spread, if you end up posting your cards please tag @noblelionprints
XOXO Chelsea