October Deck Of The Month - The Halloween Tarot

October Deck Of The Month - The Halloween Tarot

For the month of October I will be working exclusively with The Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee; Art by Kipling West. I just purchased this deck at the spirit fair and I am really excited to get to know it. My Halloween Tarot came in a tin which I am loving more and more as I can carry it around without worrying about wear and tear. The deck was inspired in part by The Nightmare Before Christmas which I thought was pretty neat being a huge fan myself. 

The first real difference I noticed was the suit names:

Pumpkins = Pentacles 

Ghosts = Cups 

Imps = Wands

Bats = Swords

They still have the traditional symbols in the Minor Arcana which cuts down on the confusion but it still took my by surprise when I was shuffling through the deck. I am going to do a spread I created to get some insight into this deck!   


Feel Free to follow along if you have a new deck you would like to get to know. When I open a new deck I like sit in front of my altar and take it back to childhood by mixing my deck in a huge pile in front of me on my tarot mat. 

1. HALLOWEEN TAROT, PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF. THREE OF BATS - I am a deck that cuts deep into the heart of matters. I do not sugar coat my words and you can always expect a clear reading from me. 

2. HALLOWEEN TAROT, WHAT ARE YOUR STRENGTHS? THE MAGICIAN - I excel at manifestation, magic, spell casting, and can bring together any ritual. 

3. HALLOWEEN TAROT, WHAT ARE YOUR LIMITATIONS? THE SIX OF GHOSTS - I am limited in the emotional realm. I do not quite understand sentiment and sensitivity. 

4. HALLOWEEN TAROT, WHAT DO I HAVE TO LEARN FROM YOU? STRENGTH - I am here to teach you that sometimes in magic a gentle touch is much more effective than a shove. 

5. HALLOWEEN TAROT, WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO WORK WITH YOU? KNIGHT OF GHOSTS REVERSED - It would be best to work with me in a way that is logical, practical and unemotional. 

6. HALLOWEEN TAROT, WHAT WILL BE THE OUTCOME OF OUR RELATIONSHIP? FIVE OF PUMPKINS REVERSED - Together we clear out your emotional baggage and change your outlook on the energy of money. 

I must say some of the Halloween Tarot's answers were pleasantly surprising. I'm not sure what I was really expecting to learn from this deck but my excitement has been rekindled all over again! 

What deck have you been using the most lately? Do you use several decks or just one on a regular basis? Habits of other readers have always fascinated me so please do share. 

XOXO Chelsea 

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