Working with 4 of Pentacles
I recently purchased TAROT OF THE NEW VISION and I am learning so much! This deck is so unique because it takes the traditional RWS deck and paints all the pictures from the opposite prospective. Examples:
Seeing these cards I know like the back of my hand from these new perspectives has totally brushed the cobwebs away from my tarot studies! I'm seeing things in a whole new light and I'm loving it.
Let's look at the 4 of Pentacles:
When I saw this version of the 4oP it took on such a deeper meaning than being frugal, stingy or greedy with your resources. I realized this card is about making small sacrifices for big dreams. It's about going without today, so you can have something better tomorrow.
It's about self discipline and reaching goals at a slow but steady pace!
This is a card for young couples saving for their first house or someone gathering resources to start a business! This is a starting card. A card where being financially minded is of utmost importance.
This is a check point card one that says "yes, you have come a long way, but you still have a long way to go."
If you have big dreams your on your horizon pull this card from your deck and do your own study! Place it on your alter and allow the energy of this card to envelop you!
What decks have blown your mind and gave you new perspectives on tarot meanings? I'd love some recommendations!
XOXO Chelsea